Exploration and description / Formulae

Let us start by showing how to estimate the total number of cattle in a single dip-tank area. We shall base our calculations on formulae given by Rowlands et al. (2003) for a similar survey in Zimbabwe.

Let us consider dip-tank area i, where i represents one of the dip-tank areas sampled. Suppose that mi homesteads are sampled in this dip-tank area and that there are Mi homesteads in total in this area. Suppose that yij animals are recorded per homestead (j = 1 ... mi), and that i represents the mean number of cattle per homestead. This can be calculated as: i =yij / mi

Then the estimate of the total number of cattle in the dip-tank area is Ti = Mii

and the variance of Ti = Mi (Mi-mi) si 2/mi , where si2 is the sample variance equal to

                         (yij - i)2 /(mi - 1)   ( j = 1 ... mi ).

The standard error of the total in this dip-tank area is thus the square root of the variance


Thus, we can write the estimate of the total number of cattle in the dip-tank area as